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Coffee tables provide an incredible amount of room for books, blossoms and ornamental pieces. Try and use a multitude of various items in proper order and fashion
design wise to capture the attention of your guests. Try clustering candles of various sizes and colors in one vase and take advantage of the nice look and feel of
trays and ceramic dishes. Next you can always add random clean objects to sit nicely on a well-organized stack of reading material.
Compliment a tabletop of various accessories with an eye-capturing piece of modern art that hangs nicely over the table in reference. Hang the art about 8 to 12 inches over the table to create that eye-capturing appeal and aesthetic link between the various items. Ultimately, you want to make sure that your efforts are assisting the art and accessories appear as a single device.
An assortment of random items scattered around a room doesn't allow or assist in focusing the attention and helping someone appreciate any one particular display.
Simplify and coordinate everything you collect. Stick to products that are an identical color, shape and size if possible. Collect and organize your favorites within
one specified area for maximum visual appeal while at the same time getting rid of the clutter.
Many of us have a multitude of reading material in every which room. Take advantage of those books and organize them neatly on any particular surface. Fluctuation is always fun. You can stack 3 books here and 2 books there. The trick is to try and match colors and size. This will add great eye catching appeal to your guests. You can also use the same technique on mantles and of course shelves.
Make art and not storage space. Grouping various items appropriately is key. No one likes clutter but with a few simple relocation efforts, you can change clutter to color. Don’t be afraid to move things around so long as you try hard to stay organized. Many can try but few have succeeded unfortunately. Most try too hard. It is honestly not that hard. Give it a try and simply see what others think.